Disclosures required of health care providers

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50-4-512. Disclosures required of health care providers. (1) Upon request of a patient or a patient's agent, a health care provider, outpatient center for surgical services, clinic, or hospital shall provide the patient or the patient's agent with its estimated charge for a health care service or course of treatment that exceeds $500. The estimate must be provided for a service that a patient is receiving or has been recommended to receive. The estimate must be provided at the time the service is scheduled or within 10 business days of the patient's or agent's request.

(2) The patient or patient's agent may request that the information required under this section be provided in writing or electronically.

(3) The estimated charge:

(a) must represent a good faith effort to provide accurate information to the patient or the patient's agent;

(b) is not a binding contract upon the parties; and

(c) is not a guarantee that the estimated amount will be the charged amount or will account for unforeseen conditions.

History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 206, L. 2009.

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