Exempt anabolic steroid products

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50-32-233. Exempt anabolic steroid products. The following anabolic steroid-containing compounds, mixtures, or preparations are exempt from this chapter:

(1) androgyn L.A.;

(2) andro-estro 90-4;

(3) depandrogyn;

(4) DEPO-T.E.;

(5) deptestrogen;

(6) duomone;

(7) duratestrin;

(8) duo-span II;

(9) estratest;

(10) estratest HS;

(11) pan estra test;

(12) premarin with methyltestosterone;

(13) synovex H pellets in process;

(14) synovex H pellets in process granulation;

(15) test-estro cypionates;

(16) testagen;

(17) testosterone cyp 50 estradiol cyp 2;

(18) testosterone, cypionate-estradiol, cypionate injection;

(19) testosterone, enanthate-estradiol, valerate injection; and

(20) tilapia sex reversal feed (investigational).

History: En. Sec. 7, Ch. 113, L. 1997.

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