Legal consequences of adoption of stepchild

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42-4-311. Legal consequences of adoption of stepchild. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3), the legal consequences of an adoption of a stepchild by a stepparent are the same as the consequences under 42-5-202.

(2) An adoption by a stepparent does not affect:

(a) the relationship between the adoptee and the adoptee's parent who is the adoptive stepparent's spouse or deceased spouse;

(b) an existing court order for visitation or communication with a child by an individual related to the adoptee through either parent; or

(c) the right of the adoptee or a descendant of the adoptee to inheritance or intestate succession through or from the adoptee's former parent.

(3) Failure to comply with an agreement or order is not a ground for challenging the validity of an adoption by a stepparent.

History: En. Sec. 119, Ch. 480, L. 1997.

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