Postadoptive counseling and support -- intent

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42-4-211. Postadoptive counseling and support -- intent. (1) An agency may have a specific program, separate from its program for the care and placement of children, to provide postadoptive counseling and support for birth parents who have relinquished children for adoption. The program may include but is not limited to grief and loss counseling, temporary housing, mentoring services, job training, life skills development, budgeting and financial management, educational opportunities, and transportation.

(2) (a) The provision of the services in subsection (1) may not be included by an agency in the fees related to placement for adoption by a parent as provided in 42-7-101.

(b) An agency providing postadoptive counseling and support shall include a full accounting of the operation of the program as part of the financial statement required in 52-8-104.

(c) An agency may accept federal funds, grants, or donations specifically for the purpose of funding a program to provide the services in subsection (1) that is separate from the agency's program for the care and placement of children.

History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 151, L. 2009.

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