Consent to adoption

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42-4-210. Consent to adoption. (1) Upon the filing of the petition for adoption by the prospective adoptive parent, the department or agency that has custody of the child shall file its consent to adoption.

(2) Except as provided in subsection (3), the withdrawal of a consent for an adoption filed by the department or an agency in connection with that petition for adoption is not permitted.

(3) Upon a motion to withdraw consent, notice and opportunity to be heard must be given to the petitioner and to the person seeking to withdraw consent. The court may, if it finds that the best interests of the child will be furthered, issue a written order permitting the withdrawal of the consent.

(4) The entry of a decree of adoption renders a consent irrevocable.

History: En. Sec. 111, Ch. 480, L. 1997.

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