Postplacement department or agency evaluation

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42-4-209. Postplacement department or agency evaluation. (1) The department or agency shall complete a written postplacement evaluation. The postplacement evaluation must be conducted according to the department's or agency's standards for placement of a child and at a minimum must include a personal interview with the prospective adoptive parent in that person's home and observation of the relationship between the child and the prospective adoptive parent.

(2) Upon the filing of a petition for adoption by the prospective adoptive parent, the department or agency shall file the postplacement evaluation.

(3) The evaluation must include the following information:

(a) whether the child is legally free for adoption;

(b) whether the proposed home is suitable for the child;

(c) a statement that the medical and social histories of the birth parents and child have been provided to the prospective adoptive parent;

(d) an assessment of adaptation by the prospective adoptive parent to parenting the child;

(e) a statement that the 6-month postplacement evaluation period has been complied with or should be waived;

(f) any other circumstances and conditions that may have a bearing on the adoption and of which the court should have knowledge;

(g) whether the agency waives notice of the proceeding;

(h) a statement that any applicable provision of law governing an interstate or intercountry placement of the child has been complied with; and

(i) a statement of compliance with any applicable provisions of the Indian Child Welfare Act, 25 U.S.C. 1901, et seq.

(4) The evaluation must contain a definite recommendation stating the reasons for or against the proposed adoption.

History: En. Sec. 110, Ch. 480, L. 1997.

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