Elevator mechanic's examination -- fee -- reciprocity

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37-73-204. Elevator mechanic's examination -- fee -- reciprocity. (1) The department shall, at least once a year, administer an examination to applicants meeting the requirements of 37-73-203(2)(b). The department shall determine the subjects, scope, and acceptable level of performance for the examination.

(2) The department shall determine by rule the fees to be charged an applicant for each examination and reexamination that the department administers. The fees must be commensurate with costs.

(3) An applicant for a license who has previously taken and failed the examination required by this section may retake it at any time within 2 years without again furnishing proof of compliance with 37-73-203(2)(b).

(4) The department may issue a license to an individual holding a valid license from another state that the department determines has standards substantially equal to this chapter upon application and without examination.

History: En. Sec. 6, Ch. 303, L. 2005.

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