Rules for use of explosives -- variances

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37-72-201. Rules for use of explosives -- variances. (1) The department shall adopt rules governing the use of explosives in construction blasting. The rules must include provisions to:

(a) regulate the method of withdrawal of explosives from the construction magazine in which they are kept;

(b) prevent the accidental detonation of explosives;

(c) prevent injury from blasting to persons and property near blast sites;

(d) provide for notification of blasting to the owners or operators of gas and electric utilities; and

(e) regulate the drilling of holes for explosives and the loading and firing of explosives.

(2) The department shall adopt rules providing for variances from the rules required by subsection (1). Variances may be granted by the department on a case-by-case basis for the purpose of individual construction blasting operations only if it is shown by the affidavit of a construction blaster licensed under this chapter that:

(a) compliance with the rule for which a variance is sought would be impracticable; and

(b) the proposed variance from department rules will not constitute a danger to property or public safety.

History: En. Sec. 9, Ch. 402, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 64, Ch. 613, L. 1989.

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