Positive identification required

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37-7-410. Positive identification required. (1) (a) Except as provided in subsection (2), a pharmacy may not dispense a controlled substance to a potential recipient without first positively identifying the recipient by means of a valid driver's license, a school district or postsecondary education photo identification, a tribal photo identification, or other identification allowed by the board by rule.

(b) Documentation of the recipient's identification must be permanently linked to the record of the dispensed controlled substance and must include:

(i) a copy of the identification presented; or

(ii) a record that includes:

(A) the recipient's name;

(B) the type of identification presented and the unique identification number; and

(C) the government entity that issued the identification.

(2) Positive identification is not required if:

(a) the controlled substance is dispensed directly to the patient and:

(i) the filled prescription is delivered to the patient or the patient's health care provider; or

(ii) the patient is being treated at a health care facility or is housed in a correctional facility; or

(b) the potential recipient of the controlled substance is personally and positively known by a pharmacist or an employee of the pharmacy who is present and identifies the recipient and the personal identification is documented by recording:

(i) the recipient's name;

(ii) a notation indicating that the recipient was known to a pharmacist or an employee of the pharmacy; and

(iii) the identity of the individual making the personal identification.

History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 89, L. 2019.

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