Restrictions on prescriptions

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37-7-401. Restrictions on prescriptions. (1) An authorized prescriber may not sell, give to, or prescribe for any person any opium, morphine, alkaloid-cocaine, alpha or beta eucaine, codeine, heroin, or any derivative, mixture, or preparation of any of them, except to a patient believed in good faith to require opium, morphine, alkaloid-cocaine, alpha or beta eucaine, codeine, heroin, or any derivative, mixture, or preparation of the enumerated substances for medical use and in quantities proportioned to the needs of the patient.

(2) A prescription must be written so that the prescription can be compounded by any registered pharmacist. The coding of any prescription is a violation of this section.

(3) A prescription marked "non repetatur", "non rep", or "N.R." cannot be refilled. A prescription marked to be refilled may be filled by any registered pharmacist the number of times marked on the prescription. A prescription not bearing any refill instructions may not be refilled without first obtaining permission from the prescriber. A prescription may not be refilled for more than 1 year from the date the prescription was originally written. A Schedule II prescription may not be refilled.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 11, L. 1911; re-en. Sec. 3187, R.C.M. 1921; re-en. Sec. 3187, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 33, L. 1951; R.C.M. 1947, 66-1514; amd. Sec. 10, Ch. 379, L. 1981; amd. Sec. 17, Ch. 97, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 444, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 10, Ch. 388, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 27, Ch. 126, L. 2005.

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