Programs for donation of unused prescription drugs, cancer drugs, and devices -- rulemaking required

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37-7-1401. Programs for donation of unused prescription drugs, cancer drugs, and devices -- rulemaking required. (1) The board of pharmacy shall, in consultation and cooperation with the department of public health and human services, create a program for the donation of prescription drugs collected from long-term care facilities to qualified patients.

(2) For the purposes of the program created pursuant to subsection (1), prescription drugs, except those drugs defined as a dangerous drug in 50-32-101 or a drug designated as a precursor to a controlled substance in 50-32-401, unneeded by a resident or former resident of a long-term care facility may be donated by the long-term care facility to a provisional community pharmacy that provides or may provide prescription drugs to individuals who are qualified patients for transfer free of charge or at a reduced charge to those individuals.

(3) This section does not amend or otherwise change the law applicable to the prescribing of prescription drugs, the sale of those drugs, or the licensing of long-term care facilities or pharmacies.

(4) The board of pharmacy shall adopt rules to implement this part. The rules must address:

(a) the collection, receipt, and storage of donated drugs and devices;

(b) the transfer of prescription drugs donated by a long-term care facility to provisional community pharmacies;

(c) which pharmacies may be considered provisional community pharmacies that may sell or give the prescription drugs donated by long-term care facilities to others;

(d) eligibility criteria and other standards and procedures for participants that accept and distribute or dispense donated cancer drugs or devices;

(e) the forms needed for the administration of the donated drug programs;

(f) categories of cancer drugs and devices that the cancer drug repository program will accept for dispensing and categories it will not accept, including the reason that a cancer drug or device will not be accepted;

(g) the price for which the prescription drugs donated by a long-term care facility may be sold; and

(h) the maximum handling fee that may be charged by participants that accept and distribute or dispense a cancer drug or device.

(5) In adopting the rules, the board of pharmacy shall consider the ability of persons to pay for the drugs and the existence and operation of similar programs in other states.

History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 362, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 299, L. 2009.

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