Permanent and temporary exceptions

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37-69-102. Permanent and temporary exceptions. (1) Licensure is not required in the following instances of plumbing installation:

(a) when an owner of a single-family residence used exclusively for the owner's personal use installs all sanitary plumbing and potable water supply piping or when a mobile home dealer or a manufactured housing dealer connects a mobile home or a manufactured house to existing sanitary and potable water supply facilities as part of delivering and setting up a mobile home for a purchaser;

(b) in any mine, mill, smelter, refinery, or railroad;

(c) in a farm or ranch not connected to public water supply and sewage disposal systems. For the purposes of this subsection (1)(c), a "farm or ranch" means the same as in 39-3-402.

(d) in cities, towns, water districts, and water user associations extending, repairing, or replacing their own water and sewer mains;

(e) installation of water conditioner services in private dwellings;

(f) minor work by employees or agents of an appliance dealer incidental to the installation of an appliance purchased from the dealer;

(g) installation of a water meter by a qualified person appointed by the administrative authority of the water system;

(h) in the case of a private water supply, installation of the pump, waterline, or pressure tank, regardless of whether the pump, waterline, or pressure tank is located inside or outside the structure being served;

(i) in the case of an apprentice, as that term is defined in 39-6-101, who is working under the supervision of a licensed plumber; and

(j) in the case of a student who is enrolled in a plumbing training program offered by an accredited college or university recognized by the board of regents if the student is undertaking class assignments in a classroom or a hands-on laboratory setting. This subsection (1)(j) does not authorize a student to engage in any plumbing work that will be incorporated or used in an occupied structure or connected to a plumbing system where work must be performed by a licensed plumber.

(2) This chapter may not be construed to apply to or to affect plumbing installations in any mines, mills, smelters, refineries, public utilities, railroads, or plumbing installations on farms or ranches not connected to public water supply or sewage disposal systems.

(3) If a licensed person is not available, the council or commission of a county, city, or town or the board of directors or managers of a water or sewer district or water utility may, by ordinance, rule, or resolution, authorize an unlicensed person to perform plumbing work on a temporary basis if:

(a) the council, commission, or board of directors has provided reasonable notice by certified letter to the board; and

(b) the board has approved the temporary authorization or has failed to respond to the certified letter required under subsection (3)(a) within 30 days of the letter's postmark.

(4) The council, commission, board of directors, or board shall withdraw the temporary authorization provided for in subsection (3) when a licensed person is reasonably available.

History: (1)En. Sec. 1, Ch. 203, L. 1949; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 185, L. 1961; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 497, L. 1975; Sec. 66-2401, R.C.M. 1947; (2)En. Sec. 15, Ch. 251, L. 1959; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 44, L. 1973; amd. Sec. 12, Ch. 497, L. 1975; Sec. 66-2426, R.C.M. 1947; R.C.M. 1947, 66-2401(2), 66-2426; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 661, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 361, L. 1999; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 14, L. 2015.

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