Licensure requirements -- examination -- fees -- temporary practice

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37-49-202. Licensure requirements -- examination -- fees -- temporary practice. (1) The department shall license as a genetic counselor an applicant who:

(a) submits an application and pays the fee required by the department;

(b) provides satisfactory evidence of having received certification from the American board of genetic counseling as a genetic counselor; and

(c) complies with other requirements established by the department by rule.

(2) The department may issue:

(a) a temporary license to an applicant to whom the American board of genetic counseling has granted active candidate status; and

(b) a license to an applicant who satisfactorily demonstrates that the applicant is licensed or registered under the laws of another state, territory, or jurisdiction of the United States that in the department's opinion imposes substantially the same requirements for licensure as are required under this chapter.

(3) A temporary license expires automatically on the earliest of the following:

(a) issuance of a full license to a person who successfully passes the American board of genetic counseling certification exam; or

(b) at the time a person loses active candidate status for failure to complete or pass the American board of genetic counseling certification exam.

(4) Licenses issued under this section are valid for the period established by the department by rule and may be renewed only on the filing of a renewal application and payment of the license renewal fee.

(5) An applicant shall submit an application fee in the amount established by the department by rule and a written application on a form provided by the department that demonstrates the applicant has completed the eligibility requirements and competency standards required under this chapter and by the department by rule.

(6) The department may not license an applicant who has:

(a) committed any act that if committed by a licensee would be grounds for license suspension or revocation; or

(b) misrepresented any material fact on the application.

History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 206, L. 2021.

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