Operator of treatment plant or distribution system to be certified -- exemption

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37-42-303. Operator of treatment plant or distribution system to be certified -- exemption. (1) Water and wastewater treatment plants and water distribution systems, whether publicly or privately owned, must be under the supervision of an operator whose competency is certified to by the department in a grade corresponding to the classification of that portion of the water or wastewater supply system to be supervised.

(2) However, this chapter does not prevent a governmental agency, corporation, or individual from continuing to employ in this capacity a person in responsible charge of the operation of such works on July 1, 1967. Certificates of proper classification may be issued without examination to the person or persons certified by the governing board or owner to have been in responsible charge of the water and wastewater plants and water distribution systems on July 1, 1967. A certificate so issued will be valid only in that plant.

History: En. Sec. 6, Ch. 239, L. 1967; amd. Sec. 87, Ch. 349, L. 1974; R.C.M. 1947, 69-5906(part).

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