Volunteer work -- licensure -- fee waiver -- rules

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37-4-340. Volunteer work -- licensure -- fee waiver -- rules. (1) A retired or nonpracticing dentist or dental hygienist may apply for a license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene for the purpose of providing services to indigent or uninsured patients in underserved or critical need areas. An applicant for licensure under this subsection (1) may be required by the board to establish that the applicant is competent to practice before the board grants the applicant a license.

(2) It is not within the scope of a license issued to a dentist or dental hygienist under this section to provide services for remuneration.

(3) If a person is eligible for licensure under the provisions of subsection (1) and the person applies for a license prior to July 1, 2004, the person's renewal fees and late fees accrued since the person's license lapsed are waived. The board may adopt rules providing that renewal fees and late fees or a portion of those fees may be waived for eligible persons applying for licensure under this section after July 1, 2004.

(4) The board may adopt rules setting forth licensing requirements, fees, and other rules necessary to implement any other provisions of this section.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 67, L. 2003.

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