Acts constituting misdemeanors

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37-4-326. Acts constituting misdemeanors. A person, company, or association is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished with a fine of not less than $50 or more than $200 or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months in the county jail or both if the person, company, or association:

(1) sells, barters, or offers to sell or barter a diploma or document conferring or purporting to confer any dental degree or any certificate or transcript made or purporting to be made pursuant to the laws regulating the license and regulation of dentists;

(2) purchases or procures by barter a diploma, certificate, or transcript with the intent of using the diploma, certificate, or transcript as evidence of the holder's qualification to practice dentistry or in fraud of the laws regulating dental practice;

(3) with fraudulent intent, alter in a material regard a diploma, certificate, or transcript;

(4) use or attempt to use a diploma, certificate, or transcript that has been purchased, fraudulently issued, counterfeited, or materially altered, either as a license or color of license to practice dentistry or in order to procure registration as a dentist;

(5) practice dentistry under a false or assumed name;

(6) in an affidavit required of an applicant for examination, license, or registration under this chapter, willfully make a false statement in a material regard;

(7) engage in the practice of dentistry under any title or name without causing to be displayed in a conspicuous manner and in a conspicuous place in the office the required certificate for the current period of licensed practice; or

(8) within 10 days after demand made by the secretary of the board, fail to furnish to the board the names and addresses of all persons practicing or assisting in the practice of dentistry in the office of the person, company, or association at any time within 60 days prior to the notice, together with a sworn statement showing under and by what license or authority the person, company, or association and the employee are and have been practicing dentistry, but the affidavit may not be used as evidence against the person, company, or association in any proceeding under this section.

History: En. Sec. 18, Ch. 48, L. 1935; re-en. Sec. 3115.18, R.C.M. 1935; R.C.M. 1947, 66-918; amd. Sec. 7, Ch. 492, L. 1997.

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