Appointment of agent by nonfiling or nonqualified foreign entity

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35-7-112. Appointment of agent by nonfiling or nonqualified foreign entity. (1) A domestic entity that is not a filing entity or a nonqualified foreign entity may file with the secretary of state a statement appointing an agent for service of process signed on behalf of the entity that states:

(a) the name, type, and jurisdiction of organization of the entity; and

(b) the information required by 35-7-105(1).

(2) A statement appointing an agent for service of process takes effect on filing.

(3) The appointment of a registered agent under this section does not qualify a nonqualified foreign entity to do business in this state and is not sufficient alone to create personal jurisdiction over the nonqualified foreign entity in this state.

(4) A statement appointing an agent for service of process may not be rejected for filing because the name of the entity filing the statement is not distinguishable on the records of the secretary of state from the name of another entity appearing in those records. The filing of a statement appointing an agent for service of process does not make the name of the entity filing the statement unavailable for use by another entity.

(5) An entity that has filed a statement appointing an agent for service of process may cancel the statement by filing a statement of cancellation, which takes effect upon filing, and must state the name of the entity and that the entity is canceling its appointment of an agent for service of process in this state. A statement appointing an agent for service of process that has not been canceled earlier is effective for a period of 5 years after the date of filing.

(6) A statement appointing an agent for service of process for a nonqualified foreign entity terminates automatically on the date the entity becomes a qualified foreign entity.

History: En. Sec. 12, Ch. 240, L. 2007.

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