Change of name or address by noncommercial registered agent

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35-7-109. Change of name or address by noncommercial registered agent. (1) If a noncommercial registered agent changes its name or its address as currently in effect with respect to a represented entity pursuant to 35-7-105(1), the agent shall file with the secretary of state, with respect to each entity represented by the agent, a statement of change signed by or on behalf of the agent that states:

(a) the name of the entity;

(b) the name and address of the agent as currently in effect with respect to the entity;

(c) if the name of the agent has changed, its new name; and

(d) if the address of the agent has changed, the new address.

(2) A statement of change filed under this section takes effect on filing.

(3) A noncommercial registered agent shall promptly furnish the represented entity with notice in a record of the filing of a statement of change and the changes made by the filing.

History: En. Sec. 9, Ch. 240, L. 2007.

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