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33-27-102. (Temporary) Purpose. The purpose of 15-30-2118, 15-30-2141, 15-31-117, 15-31-118, and this chapter is to create a means by which small businesses operating in Montana may establish independent liability funds to set aside assets or make investments to meet any liability claims that might be made against the small businesses by third parties.

33-27-102. (Effective January 1, 2024) Purpose. The purpose of 15-30-2118, 15-31-117, 15-31-118, and this chapter is to create a means by which small businesses operating in Montana may establish independent liability funds to set aside assets or make investments to meet any liability claims that might be made against the small businesses by third parties.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 564, L. 1987; amd. Sec. 51, Ch. 503, L. 2021.

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