Department authorized to participate in nationwide licensing system for purposes of licensing consumer loan licensees -- rulemaking

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32-5-209. Department authorized to participate in nationwide licensing system for purposes of licensing consumer loan licensees -- rulemaking. (1) The department may participate in a nationwide licensing system for licensing purposes under this chapter and may require consumer loan licensees to apply for licensure on applications approved by the nationwide licensing system.

(2) The department may establish rules that are necessary to comply with the nationwide licensing system protocols and procedures pertaining to applications, fees, renewal dates, amending or surrendering a license, and submission of reports necessary for participation in the nationwide licensing system.

(3) The department's portion of the licensing fees collected through the nationwide licensing system must be deposited into the department's account in the state special revenue fund for use in the administration of this part.

History: En. Sec. 13, Ch. 173, L. 2013.

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