Powers and duties of department

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23-1-102. Powers and duties of department. (1) The department shall make a study to determine the scenic, historic, archaeologic, scientific, and recreational resources of the state. The department may:

(a) by purchase, lease, agreement, or acceptance of donations acquire for the state any areas, sites, or objects that in its opinion should be held, improved, and maintained as state parks, state recreational areas, state monuments, or state historic sites;

(b) with the consent of the board, acquire by condemnation, pursuant to Title 70, chapter 30, lands or structures for the purposes provided in 87-1-209(2);

(c) with the consent of the board, enter into a contract pursuant to 18-4-313(2)(e);

(d) accept in the name of the state, in fee or otherwise, any areas, sites, or objects conveyed, entrusted, donated, or devised to the state; and

(e) lease those portions of designated lands that are necessary for the proper administration of the lands in keeping with the basic purposes of this part.

(2) The department may accept gifts, grants, bequests, or contributions of money or other property to be spent or used for any of the purposes of this part.

(3) A contract, for any of the purposes of this part, may not be entered into or another obligation incurred until money has been appropriated by the legislature or is otherwise available. If the contract or obligation pertains to acquisition of areas or sites in excess of either 100 acres or $100,000 in value, the board of land commissioners shall specifically approve the acquisition.

(4) The department has jurisdiction, custody, and control of all state parks, recreational areas, public camping grounds, historic sites, and monuments, except wayside camps and other public conveniences acquired, improved, and maintained by the department of transportation and contiguous to the state highway system. The department may designate lands under its control as state parks, state historic sites, state monuments, or any other designation that it considers appropriate. The department may remove or change the designation of any area or portion of an area and may name or change the name of any area.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 48, L. 1939; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 46, L. 1955; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 69, L. 1965; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 135, L. 1969; amd. Sec. 49, Ch. 511, L. 1973; amd. Sec. 13, Ch. 417, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947, 62-304; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 218, L. 1979; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 230, L. 1981; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 418, L. 1981; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 512, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 30, Ch. 125, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 9, Ch. 235, L. 2013; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 322, L. 2015.

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