Candidates to be given opportunity to subscribe to campaign practices code

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13-35-302. Candidates to be given opportunity to subscribe to campaign practices code. (1) The commissioner of political practices shall prepare a form that sets forth the code of fair campaign practices provided for in 13-35-301 and a place for a candidate to sign the form and to indicate that the candidate endorses, subscribes to, and pledges to abide by the code.

(2) The commissioner shall send a copy of the form to each candidate required to file reports or other information with the commissioner. Signing the form is voluntary, and a failure or refusal to sign is not a violation of the election laws. A form must be sent for each election as soon as feasible. The signed form must be returned to the commissioner.

(3) Any candidate not required to file with the commissioner but wishing to subscribe to the code may obtain the form from the commissioner and may sign the form and deliver it to the commissioner.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 475, L. 1979; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 128, L. 1993.

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