Publication of proposed constitutional amendments

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13-27-311. Publication of proposed constitutional amendments. (1) If a constitutional amendment proposed by initiative is submitted to the people, the secretary of state shall have the proposed amendment published in full twice each month for 2 months prior to the election at which it is to be voted upon by the people in not less than one newspaper of general circulation in each county.

(2) (a) For a proposed constitutional amendment referred to the voters by the legislature, the secretary of state may arrange for newspaper publication or radio or television broadcast of the amendment, in each county.

(b) The ballot statements reviewed or prepared by the attorney general for the amendment, as described in 13-27-312 or 13-27-315, are sufficient for the publication allowed by this subsection (2) and should be made at least twice each month for 2 months prior to the election.

(c) The secretary of state shall select the method of notification that the secretary of state believes is best suited to reach the largest number of potential electors.

History: En. Sec. 12, Ch. 368, L. 1969; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 38, L. 1973; amd. Sec. 26, Ch. 342, L. 1977; amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 365, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947, 23-2802; amd. Sec. 213, Ch. 571, L. 1979; amd. Sec. 52, Ch. 297, L. 2009; amd. Sec. 30, Ch. 368, L. 2017.

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