Initiation by election administrator

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13-19-203. Initiation by election administrator. (1) Even if a request has not been received from the governing body concerned, the election administrator may conduct any election authorized by 13-19-104 under this chapter if the election administrator determines that a mail ballot election is the most economically and administratively feasible way of conducting the election in question.

(2) If the election administrator decides to conduct an election pursuant to subsection (1), the election administrator shall prepare a written plan as provided in 13-19-205 and forward a copy to the governing body concerned, together with a written statement informing the governing body of the decision to conduct the election by mail ballot, the reasons for the decision, and the right of the governing body to object under 13-19-204.

History: En. Sec. 9, Ch. 196, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 77, Ch. 56, L. 2009.

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