Initiation by governing body

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13-19-202. Initiation by governing body. (1) A political subdivision may, by resolution of the governing body addressed to the election administrator, request that a particular election be conducted under the provisions of this chapter.

(2) No later than 70 days before election day, the governing body shall transmit its request to the election administrator, who shall determine whether it is economically and administratively feasible to conduct the requested election by mail ballot.

(3) Except as provided in 13-19-204, the decision to conduct an election under the provisions of this chapter is within the sole discretion of the election administrator.

(4) Within 5 days after receiving a request, the election administrator shall respond in writing, stating that the request is either granted or denied for reasons specified. If granted, the election administrator shall prepare a plan as provided in 13-19-205.

History: En. Sec. 8, Ch. 196, L. 1985.

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