Montana intrastate mutual aid committee -- members -- officers -- meetings -- compensation

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10-3-904. Montana intrastate mutual aid committee -- members -- officers -- meetings -- compensation. (1) There is a Montana intrastate mutual aid committee.

(2) All members of the committee must be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the state emergency response commission established in 10-3-1204.

(3) The committee shall elect from among its members a presiding officer, a vice presiding officer, and any other officers considered necessary or advisable by the committee.

(4) The committee shall meet at least annually and may meet at the call of the presiding officer or as otherwise considered necessary or advisable by two-thirds of the members.

(5) Members of the committee are not entitled to compensation or to reimbursement for expenses incurred for serving on or participating in the activities of the committee. This subsection does not preclude a member jurisdiction from compensating or reimbursing the expenses of a committee member.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 354, L. 2005.

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