Policy -- purpose

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10-3-902. Policy -- purpose. (1) It is the policy of the state that:

(a) available resources should be made available whenever possible and practical to minimize the negative impacts of disasters and emergencies, regardless of the political jurisdiction in this state within which the disaster or emergency occurs and regardless of the political jurisdictions from which a request for assistance arises or from which or to which the resources are made available;

(b) agreements, either formal or informal, written or oral, between or among political subdivisions of this state, that exist or are entered into for the purpose of providing mutual aid in the event of a disaster or emergency should remain options for political subdivisions and should not be infringed upon or in any way affected by the provisions of this part; and

(c) in particular, the provisions of this part do not affect any mutual aid agreement, either formal or informal, written or oral, that is made or that may be made pursuant to Title 7, chapter 33, 10-3-209, or 10-3-703 or a request for assistance or aid or assistance or aid provided or received pursuant to Title 7, chapter 33, 10-3-209, or 10-3-703.

(2) It is the purpose of this part to:

(a) establish an effective and efficient mutual aid system in which a political jurisdiction can choose to participate that can operate separate from yet integrated with other freestanding mutual aid systems or agreements;

(b) provide to political jurisdictions in the state another option for establishing mutual aid agreements and for requesting, providing, and receiving mutual aid; and

(c) allow political jurisdictions maximum flexibility to protect life and property through mutual aid agreements.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 354, L. 2005.

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