Incident response -- authority -- appropriation -- expenditures -- recovery -- rules

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10-3-310. Incident response -- authority -- appropriation -- expenditures -- recovery -- rules. (1) The governor may by executive order upon request of the local governing body, its authorized agent, or a tribal government activate that part of the state disaster and emergency plan pertaining to incident response. The order may be issued for any year, for any part of a year, or upon occurrence of an incident.

(2) Upon approval of an executive order pursuant to this section:

(a) that part of the state disaster and emergency plan pertaining to incidents becomes effective;

(b) the division may use any of the resources usable by the division during a state of emergency or disaster to respond to the incident; and

(c) there is statutorily appropriated, as provided in 17-7-502, to the office of the governor and the governor is authorized to expend from the general fund an amount not to exceed $10,000 per incident and not to exceed $100,000 for incidents in a biennium.

(3) The governor may authorize the incurring of liabilities and expenses to be paid as other claims against the state from the general fund, in the amount necessary, upon activation of the incident response portion of the state disaster and emergency plan. Money appropriated by this section may be used only for incident response costs of the state and incident response costs incurred by an all-hazard incident management assistance team established under 10-3-1204.

(4) In the event of recovery of money expended pursuant to this section, the spending authority must be reinstated to the level reflecting the recovery.

(5) The department may adopt rules to implement this section.

History: En. Sec. 8, Ch. 176, L. 1995; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 228, L. 2011; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 18, L. 2015.

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