Effective - 28 Aug 2020
640.144. Value inspection program, requirements — hydrant inspection program, requirements — inapplicability, when. — 1. All community water systems shall be required to create a valve inspection program that includes:
(1) Inspection of all valves every ten years;
(2) Scheduled repair or replacement of broken valves; and
(3) Within five years of August 28, 2020, identification of each shut-off valve location using a geographic information system or an alternative physical mapping system that accurately identifies the location of each valve.
2. All community water systems shall be required to create a hydrant inspection program that includes:
(1) Annual testing of every hydrant in the community water system;
(2) Scheduled repair or replacement of broken hydrants;
(3) A plan to flush every hydrant and dead-end main;
(4) Maintenance of records of inspections, tests, and flushings for six years; and
(5) Within five years of August 28, 2020, identification of each hydrant location using a geographic information system or an alternative physical mapping system that accurately identifies the location of each hydrant.
3. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any state parks, cities with a population of more than thirty thousand inhabitants, a county with a charter form of government and with more than six hundred thousand but fewer than seven hundred thousand inhabitants, a county with a charter form of government and with more than nine hundred fifty thousand inhabitants, or a public service commission regulated utility with more than thirty thousand customers.
(L. 2020 H.B. 2120)