Effective - 28 Aug 1996
622.200. Annual report filed by railroads — form of reports — information in report — erroneous information — preservation of original reports — periodic reports — when filed — failure to file. — 1. Every railroad and street railroad shall file an annual report with the division of motor carrier and railroad safety, verified by the oath of the president, treasurer, general manager or receiver, if any, of such corporation, or by the person required to file the same. The verification shall be made by said official holding office at the time of the filing of the said report, and if not made upon the knowledge of the person verifying the same shall set forth the sources of the person's information and the grounds of such person's belief as to any matters not stated to be verified upon the person's knowledge.
2. The division shall prescribe the form of such reports and the character of the information to be contained therein, and may from time to time make such changes and such conditions in regard to form and contents thereof as it may deem proper, and on or before June thirtieth in each year shall furnish a blank form for such annual reports to every such corporation and person.
3. The division may require such report to contain information in relation to rates or regulations concerning fares or freights, agreements or contracts affecting the same, so far as such rates or regulations pertain to transportation within this state.
4. When the report of any such corporation or person is defective, or believed to be erroneous, the division shall notify the corporation or person to amend the same within a time prescribed by the division.
5. The originals of the reports, subscribed and sworn to as prescribed by law, shall be preserved in the office of the division.
6. The division may also require such corporations and persons to file periodic reports in the form, covering the period and at the time prescribed by the division. The division may require of any such corporation or person specific answers to questions upon which the division may need information.
7. The annual report required to be filed by a common carrier corporation shall be so filed on or before the thirtieth day of September in each year. The division may extend the time for making and filing such report for a period not exceeding sixty days.
8. If such corporation or person shall fail to make and file the annual report within the time above specified or within the time extended by the division, or shall fail to amend such report within such reasonable time as may be prescribed by the division, or shall fail to make specific answer to any question, or shall fail to make the periodic reports when required by the division as herein provided, within the time and in the form prescribed by the division for the making and filing of any such report or answer, such corporation or person shall forfeit to the state the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every day it shall continue to be in default with respect to such annual report, amendment, answer or periodic report. Such forfeiture shall be recovered in an action brought by the division in the name of the state of Missouri. The amount recovered in any action shall be promptly transmitted to the state director of revenue and deposited by the director to the credit of the public school fund of the state.
(L. 1996 S.B. 780)