Effective - 28 Aug 1993
620.500. Small business assistance office established in department — regional offices — staff duties. — 1. There is created within the department of economic development a "Small Business Assistance Office" which shall establish regional business assistance offices which shall be one-stop guidance centers for entrepreneurs. Such business assistance offices may be located in each geographic region of the state, subject to appropriation of funding by the general assembly. Where possible, each business assistance office shall be located in conjunction with a small business development center, a regional planning commission as defined in chapter 251, or other existing agency or organization performing economic development functions.
2. The small business assistance office's regional offices shall:
(1) Provide a focal point and assist and counsel small businesses in their dealings with federal, state and local governments, including but not limited to providing ready access to information regarding government requirements which affect small business;
(2) Analyze current legislation and regulation as it affects small business within its region for the purpose of determining methods of elimination or simplification of unnecessary regulatory requirements;
(3) Assist small businesses within its region in obtaining available technical and financial assistance;
(4) Initiate and encourage small business education programs, including programs in cooperation with various public and private educational institutions;
(5) Foster participation of small businesses in the procurement activities of the state by providing a guide for businesses on the purchasing procedures and practices of state agencies, assisting the state agencies in developing a comprehensive list of small businesses capable of providing materials, supplies, equipment or contractual services to the state, and advising state agencies with respect to methods for simplifying procurement forms and procedures and other methods for increasing small business participation;
(6) Receive complaints and recommendations concerning policies and activities of federal, state and local governmental agencies which affect small businesses, and develop, in cooperation with the agency involved, proposals for changes in policies or activities to alleviate any unnecessary adverse effects to small business within its region or throughout the state;
(7) Establish and operate a separate and distinct "business permit system", which shall provide comprehensive information on the federal, state and local requirements necessary to begin a small business and make this information available to the public;
(8) Make recommendations regarding business paperwork requirements and simplification of forms and language and report to the director of the division of community and economic development on the cost effectiveness of the business permit system;
(9) Work with local business leaders and government officials and help them formulate and implement sound economic development decisions for their communities;
(10) Provide assistance to entrepreneurs in the licensing and permitting process, including the necessary applications and paperwork.
(L. 1986 S.B. 426 § 2, A.L. 1993 H.B. 566)