Effective - 28 Aug 2020, 2 histories
620.2451. Grants, use of moneys — recordkeeping requirements. — Grants awarded under sections 620.2450 to 620.2458 shall fund the acquisition and installation of retail broadband internet service at speeds of at least twenty-five megabits per-second download and three megabits per-second upload, but that is scalable to higher speeds. The department shall maintain a record of all federal grants awarded to entities for the purposes of providing, maintaining, and expanding rural broadband in the state of Missouri. In cases in which funds have been awarded by a federal agency but later retained, withheld, or otherwise not distributed to the original grant recipient due to failure to meet performance standards or other criteria, the department shall seek to have the funds awarded to another eligible, qualified Missouri broadband provider.
(L. 2018 H.B. 1456 merged with H.B. 1872, A.L. 2020 H.B. 1768)
Sunset date 6-30-27
Termination date 9-01-28