Printed copies of utility tariffs, evidence, when.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1953

490.235. Printed copies of utility tariffs, evidence, when. — Printed copies of schedules, classifications and tariffs of rates, fares and charges, and supplements thereto, filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission or the public service commission, which show respectively an Interstate Commerce Commission number, which may be stated in abbreviated form, as I. C. C. No. ______, and an effective date, or which show respectively a public service commission number, which may be stated in abbreviated form, as P. S. C. Mo. No. ______ or Mo. P. S. C. No. ______, and an effective date, may be received in evidence without certification and shall be presumed to be correct copies of the original schedules, classifications, tariffs and supplements on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission or on file with the public service commission.


(L. 1953 p. 511 § 1)

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