Utility right of access, wrongful action — recovery of costs.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2000

488.474. Utility right of access, wrongful action — recovery of costs. — 1. If, at the hearing on the delivery of access to the utility meter under section 393.557, the court specifically finds, on the basis of the record at such hearing, that the utility company willfully and wrongfully instituted an action under sections 393.550 to 393.565, the utility customer in default may be entitled to any damages which might be incurred by such utility customer in default as a direct result of such actions by the utility company, together with reasonable attorney fees.

2. Costs may be taxed in the discretion of the court pursuant to section 393.561, and the court shall direct which party is obligated to pay the sheriff's expenses referred to in section 393.559.


(L. 2000 S.B. 1002 Revision)

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