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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.960. Fees. — 1. For performing an electronic notarial act, an electronic notary public may charge the maximum fee specified in this section, charge less than the maximum fee, or waive the fee.

2. The maximum fees that may be charged by an electronic notary public for performing an electronic notarial act are:

(1) For an acknowledgment, five dollars per signature;

(2) For a jurat, five dollars per signature; and

(3) For a signature witnessing, five dollars per signature.

3. An electronic notary may charge a travel fee to perform an electronic notarial act if:

(1) The notary and the person requesting the electronic notarial act agree upon the travel fee in advance of the travel; and

(2) The notary explains to the person requesting the notarial act that the travel fee is both separate from the notarial fee prescribed in subsection 2 of this section and neither specified nor mandated by law.

4. An electronic notary shall not discriminate in the charging of fees for an electronic notarial act based on the characteristics of the principal or requester of fact as set forth in subsection 1 of section 486.650, though an electronic notary may waive or reduce fees for humanitarian or charitable reasons.

5. The requirements relating to fees for an employee notary public that are prescribed in section 486.695 also apply to an electronic notary public in the performance of an electronic notarial act.

6. An electronic notary public who charges for performing electronic notarial acts shall conspicuously display in all of the notary's places of business and internet sites, or present to each principal or requester of fact if outside such places of business, an English-language schedule of maximum fees for electronic notarial acts, as specified in subsection 2 of section 486.960. No part of any such notarial fee schedule shall appear or be printed in smaller than twelve-point type.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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