Resignation, revocation, expiration, or death of electronic notary.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.955. Resignation, revocation, expiration, or death of electronic notary. — Upon resignation, revocation, or expiration of a notary commission, or death of the electronic notary:

(1) The journal and notarial records shall be delivered to the secretary in accordance with sections 486.795 to 486.800 by any means providing a tangible receipt, including certified mail and electronic transmission, allowing that an electronic journal may be delivered on disk, printed on paper, or transmitted electronically, in accordance with the requirements of the secretary; and

(2) In the case of an electronic journal and backup copy where disks or other physical storage media are not required to be surrendered, no further entries shall be made in the journal and backup. The journal and backup shall be safeguarded until both are erased or expunged after ten years from the date of the last entry by the notary or the notary's personal representative.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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