Electronic notarization, principal requirements.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.930. Electronic notarization, principal requirements. — 1. An electronic notary shall perform an electronic notarization only if the principal:

(1) Is in the presence of the notary at the time of notarization;

(2) Is personally known to the notary or identified by the notary through satisfactory evidence;

(3) Appears to understand the nature of the transaction;

(4) Appears to be acting of his or her own free will;

(5) Communicates directly with the notary in a language both understand; and

(6) Reasonably establishes the electronic signature as his or her own.

2. In performing electronic notarial acts, an electronic notary shall adhere to all applicable laws governing notarial acts provided in this chapter.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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