Revocation of commission, when — procedure.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.810. Revocation of commission, when — procedure. — 1. The secretary may revoke a notary commission for any ground on which an application for a commission may be denied pursuant to subsection 3 of section 486.605.

2. The secretary shall revoke the commission of any notary who fails:

(1) To maintain a residence or a regular place of work or business in this state; and

(2) To maintain status as a legal resident of the United States.

3. Prior to revocation of a notary commission, the secretary shall inform the notary of the basis for the revocation and that the revocation takes effect on a particular date unless a proper appeal is filed with the secretary before that date.

4. Resignation or expiration of a notary commission does not terminate or preclude an investigation into the notary's conduct by the secretary, who may pursue the investigation to a conclusion, whereupon it shall be made a matter of public record regardless of whether the finding would have been grounds for revocation.

5. The secretary shall promulgate rules providing for appeals from revocations, subject to the limitations in section 486.830.

6. This section shall also apply to electronic notaries performing electronic notarial acts and remote online notaries performing remote online notarial acts.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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