Notarized document sent out of state or country, form — certificate of authority form — apostille form, fee.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.770. Notarized document sent out of state or country, form — certificate of authority form — apostille form, fee. — 1. On a notarized document sent to another state or nation, evidence of the authenticity of the official seal and signature of a notary commissioned pursuant to this chapter, if required, shall be in the form of:

(1) A certificate of authority from the secretary, authenticated as necessary by additional certificates from United States or foreign government agencies; or

(2) In the case of a notarized document to be used in a nation that has signed and ratified the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents of October 5, 1961, an apostille from the secretary or other federally designated official in the form prescribed by the Convention and described in subsection 3 of this section, with no additional authenticating certificates required.

2. A certificate of authority evidencing the authenticity of the official seal and signature of a notary commissioned pursuant to this chapter shall be substantially in the following form:

Certificate of Authority for a Notarial Act
I, _________ (name, title, jurisdiction of authenticating official), certify that _________ (name of notary), the person named in the seal and signature on the attached document, was a Notary Public for the state of Missouri and authorized to act as such at the time of the document's notarization.
To verify this Certificate of Authority for a Notarial Act, I have affixed below my signature and seal of office this _________ day of _________ , 20__.
__________________ (Signature and seal of commissioning official)

3. An apostille prescribed by the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents of October 5, 1961, shall be in the form of a square with sides at least nine centimeters long and contain exactly the following wording:

(Convention de La Haye du 5 octobre 1961)
1. Country: _________ 
2. This public document has been signed by _________ 
3. acting in the capacity of _________ 
4. bears the seal/stamp of _________ 
5. at _________ 
6. the _________ 
7. by _________ 
8. No. _________ 
9. Seal/Stamp
10. Signature: __________________ 

4. The secretary may charge a fee as set forth in section 28.160 for issuing a certificate of authority or an apostille.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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