Paper notarial certificates, requirements — correction or errors or omissions, when.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.745. Paper notarial certificates, requirements — correction or errors or omissions, when. — 1. A paper notarial certificate that is attached to a document during the notarization of the signature of a principal shall:

(1) Be attached by staple or other method that leaves evidence of any subsequent detachment;

(2) Be attached, signed, and sealed only by the notary and only at the time of notarization and in the presence of the principal;

(3) Be attached immediately following the signature page if the certificate is the same size as that page, or to the front of the signature page if the certificate is smaller; and

(4) Contain all of the elements described in section 486.740 on the same sheet of paper.

2. A notary may correct an error or omission made by that notary in a notarial certificate if:

(1) The original certificate and document are returned to the notary;

(2) The notary verifies the error by reference to the pertinent journal entry, the document itself, or to other determinative written evidence;

(3) The notary legibly corrects the certificate and initials and dates the correction in ink, or replaces the original certificate with a correct certificate; and

(4) The notary appends to the pertinent journal entry a notation regarding the nature and date of the correction.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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