Examination and copying of journal — fee for certified copy, exception.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.710. Examination and copying of journal — fee for certified copy, exception. — 1. The journal may be examined and copied without restriction by a law enforcement officer in the course of an official investigation, subpoenaed by court order, pursuant to subpoena power as authorized by law, or surrendered at the direction of the secretary. Nothing in this section shall prevent a notary public from seeking appropriate judicial protective orders.

2. Upon complying with a request for copies pursuant to subsection 1 of this section, the notary shall charge not more than one dollar per copy. If a certified copy is requested, the fee shall be as specified in section 486.685.

3. A notary public shall, upon written request, furnish to the secretary certified copies of the notary's journal without cost.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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