Journal contents.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.705. Journal contents. — 1. For every notarial act, the notary shall record in the journal at the time of notarization the following:

(1) The date and time of day of the notarial act;

(2) The type of notarial act;

(3) The type, title, or a description of the document or proceeding;

(4) The signature, printed name, and address of each principal;

(5) The printed name and address of each requester of fact;

(6) The evidence of identity of each principal in the form of either:

(a) A statement that the person is personally known to the notary;

(b) A notation of the type of identification document, its issuing agency, its serial or identification number, and its date of issuance or expiration; or

(c) The handwritten signature and the name and address of each credible witness swearing or affirming to the principal's identity, and for credible witnesses who are not personally known to the notary, a description of the identification documents relied on by the notary;

(7) The fee, if any, charged for the notarial act; and

(8) The address where the notarial act was performed, if not the address of the notary's regular place of work or business.

2. A notary shall not record a Social Security number or credit card number in the journal.

3. A notary may record in the journal the circumstances for not performing or completing any requested notarial act.

4. As required in subdivision (4) of subsection 2 of section 486.745, a notary shall append to the pertinent entry in the journal a notation of the nature and date of the notary's correction of a completed notarial certificate corresponding to the entry.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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