Notary's employer may prohibit charging of fees, when.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.695. Notary's employer may prohibit charging of fees, when. — 1. An employer may prohibit an employee who is a notary from charging for notarial acts performed on the employer's time, but shall not discriminate in the charging of fees based on the characteristics of the principal as set forth in subsection 1 of section 486.650.

2. A private employer shall not require an employee who is a notary to surrender or share fees charged for any notarial acts.

3. A governmental employer who has absorbed an employee's costs in becoming or operating as a notary shall require any fees for notarial acts performed on the employer's time either to be waived or surrendered as revenue of the employing governmental agency.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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