Limitation on notary making any claim not authorized — nonattorney notaries, services not in English, notice required — prohibited non-English terms.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.680. Limitation on notary making any claim not authorized — nonattorney notaries, services not in English, notice required — prohibited non-English terms. — 1. A notary shall not claim to have powers, qualifications, rights, or privileges that are not provided under this chapter, including the power to counsel on immigration issues.

2. A notary who is not an attorney who advertises notarial services in a language other than English shall include in the advertisement, notice, letterhead, or sign the following, prominently displayed in the same language:

(1) The statement: "I am not an attorney and have no authority to give advice on immigration or other legal matters"; and

(2) The fees for notarial acts specified in section 486.685.

3. A notary may not use the term "notario publico" or any equivalent non-English term in any business card, advertisement, notice, or sign.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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