Refusal to perform notarial act prohibited, when — exceptions.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.650. Refusal to perform notarial act prohibited, when — exceptions. — 1. A notary shall not refuse to perform a notarial act based on the characteristics protected from employment discrimination pursuant to section 213.055.

2. A notary shall perform any notarial act described in section 486.640 for any person requesting such a notarial act who tenders the appropriate fee specified in section 486.685, unless:

(1) The notary knows or has a reasonable belief that the notarial act or the associated transaction is unlawful;

(2) The notarial act is prohibited in section 486.645 or subsection 1 of this section;

(3) The number or timing of the requested notarial act or acts practicably precludes completion at the time of the request, in which case the notary shall arrange for later completion of the requested act or acts without unreasonable delay; or

(4) In the case of a request to perform an electronic notarial act, the notary is not registered to notarize electronically in accordance with sections 486.900 to 486.1010.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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