Application, contents — declaration — application fee.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.630. Application, contents — declaration — application fee. — 1. The application for a notary commission shall state or include, at least:

(1) The applicant's date of birth;

(2) The applicant's residence address and telephone number;

(3) The applicant's regular place of work or business address and telephone number, the mailing address of the regular place of work or business, if different, and the name of the applicant's employer, if any;

(4) The applicant's county of residence or regular place of work or business;

(5) A declaration that the applicant is a citizen of the United States or proof of the applicant's legal residency in the country;

(6) A declaration that the applicant can read and write English;

(7) All issuances, denials, revocations, suspensions, restrictions, and resignations of a notarial commission, professional license, or public office involving the applicant in this or any other state or nation;

(8) All criminal convictions of the applicant, including any pleas of guilt or nolo contendere, in this or any other state or nation; and

(9) All claims pending or disposed against a notary bond held by the applicant and all civil findings or admissions of fault or liability regarding the applicant's activities as a notary in this or any other state or nation.

2. Every applicant for a notary commission shall sign the following declaration:

Declaration of Applicant
I, _________(name of applicant), do solemnly swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that the personal information in this application is true, complete, and correct; that I understand the official duties and responsibilities of a Notary Public in Missouri, as explained in the notary public handbook; and that I will perform, to the best of my ability, all notarial acts in accordance with the law.
______________ (signature of applicant)

3. Every applicant for a notary commission shall:

(1) Attest to having read the Missouri notary public handbook or having received training in a manner prescribed by the secretary; and

(2) Receive a score of eighty percent or better on an examination administered by the secretary prior to being issued a commission.

4. The content of the training and the basis for the written examination required by subsection 3 of this section shall be based on notarial laws, procedures, and ethics.

5. Every applicant for a notary commission shall pay to the state of Missouri a nonrefundable application fee as stated in section 28.160.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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