Audio-video communication, use of, requirements.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.1145. Audio-video communication, use of, requirements. — 1. For the purposes of performing a remote online notarial act for a person using audio-video communication, a remote online notary public has satisfactory evidence of the identity of the person if the remote online notary public confirms the identity of the person by:

(1) Personal knowledge of the identity;

(2) Each of the following, if approved by rules adopted by the secretary of state:

(a) Remote presentation by the person of an identification credential, including a passport or driver's license, that contains a photograph and the signature of the person;

(b) Credential analysis; and

(c) Identity proofing of the person described in paragraph (a) of this subdivision;

(3) Any other method that complies with any rules adopted by the secretary of state; or

(4) A valid certificate that complies with any rules adopted by the secretary of state.

2. Such rules shall be subject to the limitations in section 486.830.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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