Registration form, contents — denial of registration, when — confidentiality of information.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2020

486.1130. Registration form, contents — denial of registration, when — confidentiality of information. — 1. To register the capability to perform remote online notarial acts, a notary shall electronically sign and submit to the secretary an electronic form prescribed by the secretary that includes:

(1) The information required in subsection 1 of section 486.920;

(2) The technology that the remote online notary public will use, which shall conform to any rules or adopted by the secretary of state; and

(3) Any other information, evidence, or declaration required by the secretary of state.

2. The secretary shall deny registration to any applicant submitting an electronic registration form that contains a material misstatement or omission of fact.

3. Information in the registration form of an electronic notary public shall be used by the secretary and designated state employees only for the purpose of performing official duties, shall be a closed record as described in chapter 610, and shall not be disclosed to any person other than:

(1) A government agent acting in an official capacity and duly authorized to obtain such information;

(2) A person authorized by court order; or

(3) The registrant or the registrant's duly authorized agent.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

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