Appointment — powers generally.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1939

486.100. Appointment — powers generally. — The governor may appoint and commission in any other state, in the District of Columbia, in each of the territories of the United States, and in any foreign country, one or more commissioners, who shall continue in office during the pleasure of the governor, and shall have authority to take relinquishments of dower of married women, the acknowledgment or proof of the execution of any deed or other conveyance, or lease of any lands lying in this state, or of any contract, letters of attorney, or of any other writing, under seal or note, to be used and recorded in this state; and such commissioners appointed for any foreign country shall also have authority to certify to the official character, signature or seal of any officer within their district, who is authorized to take acknowledgments or declarations under oath.


(RSMo 1939 § 13382)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 11760; 1919 § 2138; 1909 § 2701

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