Circuit court, where may be held — probate division, where offices may be maintained.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2011

478.711. Circuit court, where may be held — probate division, where offices may be maintained. — 1. Within Cape Girardeau County the circuit court may hold court in the courthouses at Jackson and at Cape Girardeau, and while holding court at Jackson may be known as the "Circuit Court of Cape Girardeau County at Jackson" and while holding court at Cape Girardeau may be known as the "Circuit Court of Cape Girardeau County at Cape Girardeau". All matters which are handled by circuit judges or associate circuit judges of the circuit court of Cape Girardeau County may be handled at either of the locations.

2. The probate division of the circuit court of Cape Girardeau County may maintain an office at the courthouse in Jackson and an office at the courthouse in Cape Girardeau.


(L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 2011 H.B. 340)

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